
Corresponding Author

Mouchira A. Choucry

Subject Area

Natural Products and Phytochemistry


Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (family Poaceae) is a tropical lemon-scented perennial grass commonly used, fresh or dried, in food and herbal teas. This study revealed that C. citratus different organs are characterized by histological features distinctive to family Poaceae. Characteristic oil cells stained pink with Schiff′s reagent were noticed particularly in the leaf and culm. Scattered closed-type vascular bundles are observed in different organs. Graminaceous stomata and phytolith are restricted to the leaf blade, leaf sheath, and culm. C. citratus leaf is featured by its remarkable epidermal structure formed of long and short cells, bulliform cells, bundle sheath cells, as well, micro- and prickle-hairs that distinguished it from other organs. Sclerenchyma as a mechanical support is observed in all the organs apart from the root. Also, distinguishable non- glandular hairs are detected in the culm, rhizome, and constructs the epiblema structure in the root. The detailed morphological and anatomical study presented here is crucial to discriminate various Cymbopogon species, ensure proper identification of C. citratus (DC.) Stapf, and provide a valuable information for its herbal monograph.
