Subject Area
Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy
Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are considered the leading cause of death worldwide. An important category of the CVDs is the bleeding disorders. There is a significant variation in the drug products used in the treatment of hemorrhagic disorders in the Egyptian market. Therefore, our study aims to evaluate the cost variation of different brands of antihemorrhagic drugs in the Egyptian market. Methods: The study used an analytical method to obtain the different prices of the available antihemorrhagic drug products in the Egyptian market (in Egyptian Pound), from different drug categories considering all the concentrations available. Each generic name was checked for its available products manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies, selecting those with the highest and lowest cost, calculating cost ratio and the percentage variation in prices per unit dose. Results: Among all the drugs analyzed, we found the highest percentage of cost variation was for Vitamin K1 ampoules (530.8%). Also, coagulation factor VIII 500 IU vial and 250 IU vial appeared with high cost variation percentages, which were 417.6% and 407.5%, respectively. The lowest cost variation percentages were observed in aprotinin vial and tranexamic acid ampoules, which were 13.3% and 43.6%, respectively. Conclusion: There is wide range of variation in the prices of drugs used in treating the hemorrhagic diseases in the Egyptian market. These variations should be minimized and the products should be affordable especially in the low- and middle-income countries to help improving the health states among population and decreasing the diseases economic burden and out-of-pocket expenditures.
Recommended Citation
Kaldas, Michael A.; Magid, Aya M. Abdel; and Farid, Samar F.
"Cost-Variation Analysis of Antihemorrhagic Drugs in the Egyptian Market,"
Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University: Vol. 61
, Article 1.
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